Tuesday 27 December 2016

How To Show Indian Holidays in MIUI 8 Calendar

MIUI is one of the best Android ROM developed by Xiaomi. MIUI has so many unique and great featured and looks and feel of MIUI is very satisfying. I heard most of the users complaining that MIUI 8 calendar is not showing Indian holidays so I thought I should write an article to show that how can we show indian holidays in MIUI calendar. Just follow the steps below:

1. First of all you need to sign into Google calendar and enable the "Holidays in India" calendar. Make sure to use the same gmail email address which you have used in your phone to sign into your gmail app or playstore.

google calendar

2. Now in your phone, install google calendar from play store and open it.
3. After opening the google calendar, tap on the top left menu to open the sidebar and check what information you want to display in your calendar like Birthdays, Holidays etc.

enable holidays in google calendar

4. Now open MIUI calendar and from the top right corner, tap on menu and then SETTINGS.

miui calendar settings

5. Now enable the option "Show Holidays" and then from "Events in Calendar" option, select your preferred email and check the option "Holidays in India".

Show Indian Holidays in MIUI 8 Calendar

6. That's it. Now if you open the MIUI calendar, you will be able to see color dots on the holiday dates. If you tap on the date, it will show the holiday details under the agenda.

Indian Holidays in MIUI 8 Calendar

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

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