Saturday 31 May 2014

How to change the mouse pointer in blogger blogs

How to change the mouse pointer in blogger blogs
I love blogger because it provides an awesome support to edit and customize the templates of blogs hosted on it. By adding new codes, we can make cool changes in our blogs and can make them look better. In this post, I'll tell you a simple method to change the mouse pointer in blogger blogs, means whenever anyone opens your blog, he will see that his mouse pointer looks different while surfing your blog pages. So, lets start the tutorial on changing the mouse pointer in blogger blogs:

1. Login to your blogger account and go to Template > Edit HTML
2. Now search for </head> and copy and paste the below code just before </head> tag.
<style type='text/css'>body,a,a:hover{cursor:url(,progress}</style>
3. Now just change the red colored url from the above code with your own cursor url and save your template.
4. That's it. Now if you open your blog, you see your new mouse pointer.

Note: You can use cursors with .cur OR .gif extension.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Get free 100 mb 3G data for Tata DoCoMo

Get free 100 mb 3G data for Tata DoCoMo
Hey friends, Tata DoCoMo is offering free 3G data to its users as a trial to test the speed and connectivity of DoCoMo's network. So, let's see how to avail this offer:
1. Visit Tata DoCoMo's reload offer page using this link.
2. Now fill your mobile number as shown in the image below and click "Reload Now" button.

fill mobile number to get free 100 mb 3g data

3. After successful submission of your mobile number, you get a congratulation message on the screen and your mobile number is rewarded with 100 MB free 3G data with a validity of 5 days.

congratulations message

Before using your data, please read terms and conditions by clicking here.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

A1 Sitemap Generator Review And Instructions To Use

A1 Sitemap Generator Review And Instructions To Use
A1 Sitemap Generator by Micro-Sys ApS is a great software to generate and submit sitemap of your websites. Sitemap submission plays an important role in indexing of web pages in search engines. Search engine robots crawl webpages without sitemap submission also, but sitemap submission boosts the rate of indexing and visibility of your web pages in search engines. A1 Sitemap Generator can do the sitemap creation job smartly and can save your valuable time also. Let's have a look over its features and functionality.

User Interface

A1 Sitemap Generator has two modes, "Simplified Easy Mode" and "Advanced Mode". User interface of A1 Sitemap Generator's "Advanced Mode" is a little difficult for beginners but for advance users, it is ok. This is because it has lots of tabs in its interface which seems to be a little confusing while using it for the first time, but if you get habitual of it, you will feel it easy to use. To overcome this confusion, A1 Sitemap Generator shows mouse-over tips. If you still feel it difficult, then you may use the excellent help section on the microsys website. "Simplified Easy Mode" is better for the beginners.

a1 sitemap generator advanced mode


A1 Sitemap Generator is bundled with excellent features every webmaster needs some of them are:
  1. Create XML and HTML sitemaps for large websites, even for blogs and forums also.
  2. Index all the pages of your site in search engines.
  3. Scan and crawl local and online pages on internet.
  4. Using webmasters filter, you can instruct the software to obey or disregard robots.txt, disallow, crawl delay, nofollow and canonical directives.
  5. It can automatically create and submit sitemaps and then can ping you site to search engines.
  6. It can scan and index every references of your site such as frames, stylesheets, images and javascripts also.
  7. To optimize scanning speed of website crawler, it uses multiple simultaneous connections and threads.
To know more features of A1 Sitemap Generator, you may visit this link.


A1 Sitemap Generator is available in Standard and Professional editions. Standard edition costs $49 and Professional edition costs $69. If you want to give it a try, then a full featured 30 days trial is also available and is free to download.

Tutorial to use A1 Sitemap Generator

Instead of using "Advanced Mode", I recommend using "Simplified Easy Mode" for a first time user. So, I'll show the steps to use A1 Sitemap Generator in simplified easy mode.

1. Open A1 Sitemap Generator and switch to simplified easy mode by clicking the button as shown below in the image:

switch to simplified easy mode in a1 sitemap generator

2. Now enter your website url and click "Start Scan" button.

start scan

3. Now it will start scanning your website to create the sitemap. Just wait until the process gets completed.

scanning website

4. When the scan gets finished, you will be taken at the next tab. Review your site's details and delete the unwanted links which you don't want to include in your sitemap by right clicking on the link and clicking delete option.

deleting unwanted links

5. Now, click "Create Sitemap" tab and select the sitemap file type and then click "Build Now" button. If you want to build all kind of sitemaps in a single click, just click "Build All" button.

building sitemap

6. At the next step, it will show the code of generated sitemap. Now click "Upload Files" tab and enter your hosting server details and click "Upload Now" button. To upload all sitemaps at one click, you should click "Upload All" button.

upload sitemap

7. Now after uploading your sitemaps, it the time to tell search engines about your sitemap. So, click "Ping Sitemap" tab and click "Ping Now" button.

ping sitemap

That's it. A1 Sitemap Generator will ping search engines and you will get your pages indexed quickly in search engines resulting good traffic to your site.

Friday 23 May 2014

How to play classic nes ROM games in pc

How to play classic nes ROM games in pc
Classic Nes ROMs were played at a large scale when computers were not so popular. These games were very popular during 80s and almost every child loved to play these games. You might also have played these nes games like super mario, contra, alladin etc. These days, children love to play heavy computer games, but these classic nes ROMs are always awesome. So, in this post, I'll tell you how to play nes games in your computer. Just follow the steps below:
1. Download "Jnes Emulator" for windows. Download From Here (It is lightweight and doesn't slow downs your computer)
2. Now install Jnes in your computer (Android version of Jnes is also available!)
3. After installing Jnes, open it.
4. Now we need some nes games. I recommend website to download free nes games. Download your favorite games from there.
5. Now in Jnes, click File > Open and open your downloaded nes file.

super mario in pc

6. That's it. You can see that your game is running in the emulator.

Note : Using this emulator, you can apply cheats in nes games to make your gaming experience more enjoyable.
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Can blog promotion in blogging communities be harmful for a blog?

Can blog promotion in blogging communities be harmful for a blog?
Blogging communities can be a great way to drive traffic to a blog, but is it really safe for your blog? Have you ever thought about it? You might be thinking that what's wrong in promoting your blog through blogging communities, but believe me, blog promotion through blogging communities is not safe at all. Let me explain why:

1. Decreased reputation in search engines

Search engines are the best source to drive organic and genuine traffic to any blog or website. Joining any blogging community and getting a backlink through your profile page is OK, but promoting your links in the community will cause your blog getting penalized by Google Penguin, which will down-rank your search results and you will loose organic traffic.

2. Decrease in the number of unique visitors

If you are promoting your blog in blogging communities, then you will get traffic from those people who are members of those communities. You may get frequent visits of same visitors but if we talk about unique visitors, then you may not get unique visitors because the biggest source to get unique visitors is search engines and after getting penalized, you will loose unique visitors. You may be happy that your blog is getting a good alexa rank after sharing your links among other bloggers through blogging communities but only good alexa rank doesn't matter for advertisers. They look for traffic source also and they prefer those blogs who have a good traffic referred from search engines.

3. Risk of getting copied

If your content is online, then obviously you are not safe from copy-cats. But promoting your blog in blogging communities increases the risk of getting copied. Let me clear this point, have you ever seen any "Pro Blogger" promoting his/her links in any blogging community? Don't be confused with the word Pro Blogger, to know actually about the term Pro Blogger, I'd recommend you to read >> THIS ARTICLE.
Now, the answer is - "NO".
This is because pro bloggers know that running a blogging community site is just a way to make some money through advertisements. They trust in organic traffic they get from search engines and that's why they are ranked on the top of the search results.
Now let me come to the point. Actually, new bloggers are getting increased day by day due to a false thought that blogging is the fastest way to make money online. They are not skilled enough to write quality articles so they copy other bloggers' posts. They join blogging communities to get some traffic as well as to get some content for their blogs. They start copying each other's blog posts and in return, they get nothing and their blogs are down-ranked due to copied content.

4. Waste of time

Yes, if you think that lots of people read your blog posts through your links in blogging communities, then you are wrong. You may spend your valuable time in promoting your posts in blogging communities, but that is total time waste. In blogging communities, other people are also there for blog promotion only, they don't bother to read your articles because they don't need your content. They just login there, promote some links and simply sign out.
So instead of wasting your time, you must focus on creating quality content for your site and have patience. Quality content can bring organic search traffic for your site, but blogging communities can never.
I've seen some bloggers showing that they get quality traffic from bloging communities, but I think their concept about quality traffic is not clear (I don't blame them because they are blogging just by the influence of other bloggers who are earning nice income via blogging). Guys, asking each other to visit your links and dropping comments don't bring quality traffic. You may get good traffic by doing this but you don't get unique visitors, as I said earlier, and if you don't have search traffic, then obviously you will see that these communities are the top source of traffic for your blog.

Something from my personal side:

Some of my friends say that some posts I write are bitter. I also agree with them, but you know, "truth is always bitter". I don't want to hurt anyone, but I don't want to keep anyone in dark also. I say that a blogger must not be an artificial one, he/she must be what he/she is and must speak boldly, must share honest opinions.
I also joined some blogging communities, but I'm not active there. And if you have read this article, you can now understand why. The only reason of my presence there is "A BACKLINK", that's it. I have a very busy schedule and that's why I spend my free time in framing new quality articles instead of wasting my time in in playing comment-comment game in blogging communities, haha.

If you liked this article, share with your friends and subscribe to my newsletter to get my updates directly in your mailbox.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

How to play any audio or video file without using any media player

How to play any audio or video file without using any media player
Hey friends, I'm going to share a cool trick to play audio and video files without using any media player. Suppose you recently installed your computer and you don't have any good media player which can play MKV, MP4 etc files in your computer but you want to watch any movie right now. Unfortunately your internet connection also is not working and you don't have the backup of your softwares, but you have the setup of google chrome or Torch browser in your flash drive. Then you can use your browser as a media player. Just follow the steps below:
  • Install google chrome or Torch browser in your computer.
  • Now open your browser.
  • Open the folder in which you have stored your movies or copy the movie from your pen drive in your computer.
  • Now, drag the movie file and drop it into your browser window.
  • That's it. You will see that your movie starts playing in your web browser. The same steps can be followed for audio files also.
How to play any audio or video file without using any media player

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks and subscribe to our newsletter to get our updates directly in your inbox.

What are facebook open graph tags and how to use them

What are facebook graph tags and how to use them
Facebook open graph tags control the display of your content on any facebook user’s timeline. You can specify what title and what description must be displayed on facebook when you post a link from your website at your timeline. If you are not using open graph tags, then facebook displays the default metadata for your links. Let’s check some of the most important facebook graph tags:

1. og:title – This tag specifies the title of your content to be displayed on facebook. You can use a maximum of 95 characters with this meta tag description.
e.g. <meta property=”og:title” content=”PC Tricks Guru :: A blog for all types of computer related tips and tricks” />

2. og:type – This tag defines the type of the content you are sharing. It may be a blog, website or an article.
e.g.  <meta property=”og:type” content=”blog” />

3. og:image – You can specify the thumbnail of the content to be displayed on the facebook with your posted url. Make sure that you use a square image to make the thumbnail look correctly.
e.g. <meta property=”og:image” content=”” />

4. og:url – This tag can be used to display a url with the thumbnail image and description of the link shared.
e.g. <meta property=”og:url” content=”” />

5. og:description – This tag can be used to display a custom description with the link you shared on facebook.
e.g. <meta property=”og:description” content=”This post is about facebook graph tags which are important for SEO if you drive traffic to your blog using facebook promotions.” />

facebook graph tags preview

I hope this article will help you to make your blog more SEO friendly. You can add facebook open graph tags anywhere between <head>…</head> tags. If you want to add them in your blogger posts, then while editing your post, switch to HTML editor more and add facebook open graph tags to make your each blog post more optimized.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Win Apple iPod Shuffle and JXD 661 Portable Media Player

Win Apple iPod Shuffle and JXD 661 Portable Media Player

winner will be announced on 25th June 2014

Hey friends, I'm feeling happy to announce that there is a free giveaway for the readers of my blog, PC Tricks Guru. This is the first giveaway of PC Tricks Guru and I'm offering a combo of Apple iPod Shuffle 2 GB + JXD 661 PMP with 4 GB Memory Card free of cost to the winner. This giveaway is international and anyone around the world can participate.

How To Participate In This Giveaway?

Participating in this giveaway is very easy. The only thing you need to do is share the following text in your social media profiles (you can use the social sharing widget at the end of the post)  and comment below with your name and the link of the shared content.
PC Tricks Guru is offering free Apple iPod Shuffle + JXD Portable Media Player + SanDisk Memory Card. Simply participate in the free giveaway from the link below:
That's it. Doing this thing will take less than two minutes, so the lazy ones can also try their luck, haha.

What Will Be The Prize?

I'll give the following prizes to the winner:
  • Apple iPod Shuffle (2 GB) worth $50 - Features
  • JXD 661 Portable Media Player (1 GB) worth $35 - Features
  • Sandisk Micro SD Card (4 GB) worth $3
So, the winner will get the prizes worth $88 free of cost.

How Many Winners Will Be Selected?

I'll choose only one winner for the prizes and the prizes will be sent to that lucky one.

What Will Be The Procedure To Select The Winner?

At the end of duration of the giveaway, total number of comments will be counted and the winner comment will be declared with "Random Number Generator App By PTG" which is created by me. I'll create a live video of the winner selection process to make this giveaway fair. To see the demo video of the app, click here.

What Is The Time Duration Of This Giveaway?

This giveaway will be opened till 20th June 2014. After that date, comments will be disabled for this post. On 25th June 2014, I'll announce the name of the winner in my blog.

How The Winner Will Receive His/Her Prize?

All prizes will be sent via any international courier OR via any online shopping site like amazon or ebay. To be eligible to receive the prize, the winner will have to provide his proof of identity having his/her photograph on it.

How To Get The Post URL?

For facebook, just post the above text I said in your wall or in any group and click the timestamp as shown in the image below. Then it will be opened in a new tab. Now copy the url from the address bar of your browser and comment that link below to enter in this giveaway.

get status url from facebook

For twitter, tweet the text and click the timestamp to open the tweet url. Now copy that url and post here in comments to enter the giveaway.

get status url from twitter

For google plus, post the giveaway text on your profile page and click the timestamp to get the url of the post. Now copy that url from the address bar of your browser and comment here at this giveaway page.

find post url in google plus

Now start sharing this post and publish your shared content url here in comments.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Play MKV files in windows media player

Play MKV files in windows media player
Most of the people think that Playing MKV files Windows media player is not possible. If we just talk about normal windows media player, what they think is correct. Windows Media Player is the default media player of Microsoft Windows operating systems. It can play WMV, MPG and AVI files smoothly. But when it comes to play other video files like MKV, MP4, ASF etc, we simply look for a better media player, like VLC media player. If you are a windows media player lover and want to play all your video files in windows media player only, then I have a cool way to share with you. Follow the steps given below to run MKV files in windows media player without any errors.
  1. The first thing you need is an updated version of Windows Media player. But if you are using newer versions of Windows, then you don't need to update your windows media player.
  2. We need video codec pack to make Windows Media Player run MKV and other video files. So, download codec pack for windows media player from this link. Choose the direct download link as shown in the image below:
  3. windows media player codec pack
  4. Now run the downloaded file and install it in your computer. While installation, don't run windows media player to make the installation and integration error free.
  5. After codec pack is installed, restart your computer.
  6. That's it. You can play mkv files with windows media player.
Keep visiting for more tricks. :)

Saturday 17 May 2014

Best YouTube Search Tricks

Best YouTube Search Tricks
Youtube is the most popular site where users upload and share videos with other people. Millions of videos are being uploaded on youtube per day. We can find any video of our choice by using the search bar of youtube. Here in this post, I'm presenting some best youtube search tricks to get the desired results easily and quickly.

Best YouTube Search Tricks

1. Find Any YouTube Channel

If we type any keyword in the youtube search bar,it shows the video results mixed with channel results. But if you want to search only the youtube channel, then use the following keyword:
channel name, channel
As an example, if you want to search for the youtube channel of PC Tricks Guru, then you must use the keyword : pc tricks guru, channel

2. Find Videos With Long Playback Duration

If you are searching for any long video, then you must use the following keyword:
video name, long
As an example, spiderman game, long

3. Find videos with length less than 4 minutes

If you are searching for small videos on any topic, then you must use the following keywords:
video name, short
As an example, spiderman trailer, short

4. Find HD videos

If you are searching for HD videos on youtube, then you must use the following search keyword:
video name, hd
As an example, man vs wild, hd

5. Search Video Playlists

If you are searching for video playlists, then you must use the following search keyword:
search query, playlist
As an example, britney spears, playlist

6. Search 3D videos on youtube

If you are searching for 3D videos, then you must use the following search keyword:
search query, 3d
As an example, avatar, 3d
Note : Make sure your monitor supports 3D videos and you are wearing 3D glasses to enjoy 3D videos.

7. Search for movies

To search for full length movies in youtube, use the following keyword:
movie name, movie
As an example, the amazing spider man, movie

8. Search for videos which are uploaded recently or within a time range

If you are searching for the videos which are recently uploaded on youtube or you want the videos from within a time range, then you must use the following search keyword:
video name, time range
As an example, motorola, week

9. Search for youtube videos which are streaming live

If you are searching for videos which are currently streaming live, then you must use the following search keyword:
search query, live
As an example, facebook, live

10. Search for videos containing search keyword in the video title

To search for the videos which contain the exact searched keyword in the title, you must use the following search keyword:
allintitle: "search query"
As an example, allintitle: "Make Money Online"

11. Exclude some words from search results

If you are searching for some videos on any topic but don't want to include some words in the search results, then you must use the following search keyword:
search query -word to exclude
As an example, web designing -dreamweaver

12. Find TV shows on youtube

If you are searching for TV shows on youtube, then use the following search keyword:
tv show name, show
As an example, man vs wild, show

13. Find videos from official channels

If you are searching for some videos which are uploaded by the official channels, then use the following keywords:
search query, partner
As an example, midi editing, partner

14. Use all of the above keywords to search as you wish

You can use all of the above search keywords to make your searches more accurate and according to your wishes.
As an example, action games, long, hd

I hope you are now a smart youtube searcher after learning these best youtube search tricks. Share this article with your friends and subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest updates directly in your mailbox.

Friday 16 May 2014

Buy Motorola's Moto G at a discounted price

Buy Motorola's Moto G at a discounted price
Moto G is the best selling device by Motorola. Since its launch, Moto G has been sold in a huge number and its still being sold rapidly. Here at PC Tricks Guru, I'm sharing the full specifications of this phone and you can save Rs. 500 if you purchase Moto G using the link given at the end of this post. So, let's check out the specifications of this phone and grab it before it becomes out of stock.

Specifications of Moto G:

  • Network : 2G/3G
  • Dual SIM : Yes, micro SIM support
  • Dimension : 129.9 x 65.9 x 11.6 mm
  • Weight : 143 g
  • Display : IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
  • Resolution : 720 x 1280 pixels, 4.5 inches with multitouch support
  • Protection : Corning Gorilla Glass 3
  • Loudspeaker : Yes
  • Audio Jack : 3.5 mm jack
  • Memory Card Slot : No
  • Internal Memory : 8 GB
  • RAM : 1 GB
  • WiFi support : Yes, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Bluetooth : Yes, v4.0 A2DP, LE
  • USB : Yes, Micro USB 2.0
  • Camera : Primary 5MP, 2592 Ñ… 1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash
  • Secondary Camera : Yes, 1.3 MP
  • Video Recording : Yes, 720p @30fps, stereo sound recording, HDR
  • OS : Android 4.4.2 KitKat
  • Chipset : Qualcomm MSM8226 Snapdragon 400
  • CPU : Quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A7
  • GPU : Adreno 305
  • Sensors : Accelerometer, proximity, compass
  • Messaging : SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM
  • FM Radio : Yes
  • GPS : Yes
  • Java : Yes
  • Bettery : Non-removable Li-Ion 2070 mAh battery
  • Other Features : Google Drive (50 GB Storage), Active noise cancellation for Mic, MP3/AAC//WAV/Flac player, MP4/H.263/H.264 player etc.
  • Price : Rs. 12999

Buy Moto G At Lowest Price:

Original Price : Rs. 12999
Discounted Price : Rs. 12499

Buy Moto G At Lowest Price from

buy moto g now

Buy Moto E Phone At Lowest Price

Buy Moto E Phone At Lowest Price
The most awaited smartphone by Motorola "Moto E" is now available for purchase. The new budget smartphone has a curved design similar to Moto X. This phone features a 4.3 inch qHD display with a resolution of 960x540px. It's screen is protected with Gorilla Glass 3 which is scratch and splash resistant. Lets have a look over the features of this phone:

Specifications of Moto E :

  • Network : 2G/3G
  • SIM : Dual Sim, Micro-SIM supported
  • Dimensions : 124.8 x 64.8 x 12.3 mm
  • Weight : 142 g
  • Screen Type : Capacitive touch screen with multitouch support, 16M colors
  • Screen Size : 540 x 960 pixels, 4.3 inches
  • Protection : Gorilla Glass 3
  • Loudspeaker : Yes
  • Audio Jack : 3.5mm
  • Memory Card Slot : Yes, Expandable Upto 32 GB
  • Internal Memory : 4 GB
  • RAM : 1 GB
  • Data : 2G/3G
  • WiFi : Yes
  • Bluetooth : Yes, v4.0, LE
  • USB : Yes, microUSB v2.0
  • Camera : Primary 5MP, 2592x1944 pixels, Geo tagging and touch focus
  • Recording : Yes, 854x480 @30fps
  • Secondary Camera : No
  • OS : Android 4.4.2 KitKat
  • Chipset : Qualcomm Snapdragon 200
  • CPU : Dual Core 1.2 GHz Cortex A7
  • GPU : Adreno 302
  • Sensor : Accelerometer, proximity
  • Messaging : SMS, MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
  • Browser : Basic HTML
  • FM Radio : Yes
  • GPS : Yes, with A-GPS support and GLONASS
  • Java : Yes
  • Battery : 1980 mAh li-ion non removable battery
  • Other Features : MP3/AAC/WAV Player, SNS integration, DivX/WMV/MP4/H.263/H.264 player, Google Search, Maps, Gmail, Photo Viewer, Voice dial etc.
  • MRP : Rs. 6999 only (via Flipcart)

Buy MOTO E At Lowest Price:

Buy Moto E at lowest price from

buy moto e now

Wednesday 14 May 2014

How to disable autostart of Microsoft Upload Center in MS Office 2013

How to disable autostart of Microsoft Upload Center in MS Office 2013
Microsoft Upload Center is a new addition to Microsoft Office 2013 which starts automatically on windows boot up. This is helpful to store MS Office documents online and synchronize with SkyDrive. So many people including me don't need this feature. I've seen in so many forums, people have been asking for the method to disable the autostart of MS Upload Center. Microsoft has not provided any uninstall feature for upload center, so I'm sharing a simple trick to disable autostart of upload center when windows starts.
1. Open windows explorer and navigate to this location "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15".
2. Now find MSOSYNC.exe in the folder.
3. Simply, rename it as MSOSYNCbackup.exe

disable autostart of Microsoft Upload Center in MS Office 2013

That's it. It will no longer autostart.
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. Subscribe to our mailing list to get our updates directly in your mailbox.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Killer tips to improve alexa rank of your blog

Killer tips to improve alexa ranking
Now a days, Alexa is being popular day by day to measure the popularity and traffic of a website. Every blogger is looking for some tips and tricks to improve alexa rank of his/her blog. Some of them are hiring experts to improve their blog's alexa ranking. I have posted a brief intro of Alexa in my blog few days ago. In this post, I'll tell you some killer ways to improve your blog's alexa rank within 3 months. Believe me, these tricks work perfectly but few of these are against Pro Blogger fashion, but if you are struggling to improve your alexa rankings, then you may follow these tips.

1. Publish A Review of Alexa In Your Blog

I've noticed that after publishing any post related to alexa with a dofollow backlink makes the alexa rank of the blog better. It sounds silly but it is personally tested by me and really works. So every blogger must publish at least one post related to Alexa in his/her blog.

2. Create An Alexa Toolbar of Your Blog and Distribute It to Your Freinds

If you've read my previous post on Alexa, then you might be aware of this fact that Alexa measures the traffic of a site through the data collected by Alexa Toolbar. If your blog visitors are using alexa toolbar, then your Alexa rankings will be improved. So, create an account on Alexa and create a toolbar for your blog and tell your friends to install it in their computers.

3. Publish Interviews of Other Bloggers

This method is against Pro Blogger fashion, that's why I don't use it. But you know, this is the trick which works faster than any other trick to improve alexa rankings. The reason behind it, again, Alexa toolbar + Referral traffic. Any new blogger wants to see his name being featured in other blogs and feels proud in it. So, you may choose some bloggers who are of such type. Ask them for a text based interview and publish their interviews in your blog. What you get in return? You get a part of their own traffic. Those bloggers and most of their visitors use Alexa toolbar and their visit to your blog improves your alexa rank. When you publish their interviews in your blog, they share your blog's link with their friends and visitors. In this way, you get more unique visitors and your blog gets some publicity also. (You should try to interview new bloggers with good number of visitors. They don't reject you because they feel proud when someone asks them for an interview. But don't try to ask for interviews to Pro Bloggers, because they are totally neutral towards giving interviews for any other blogger. They are business minded and they accept interview proposals of reputed and high quality media sites only).

4. Other Methods

The above three tips work perfectly. There are still some ways to improve your Alexa rank and you can read them by clicking here.

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. Subscribe to our newsletter to get our updates directly in your mailbox.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Best Free Web Hosting Sites Without Advertisements

Best Free Web Hosting Sites Without Advertisements
Web hosting sites provide web space to host websites and files online. There are some free web hosting sites which offer free hosting space but they offer limited services. Free web hosting sites display ad banners on their hosted sites and bandwidth provided by them is also limited. They don't offer database, email accounts, FTP and web builder. Usually webmasters use GoDaddy, Bigrock, Hostgator and Bluehost etc to host their websites because they offer superb services, but these are not free. They charge you some amount to provide their services. In this post, I'm sharing some best free web hosting sites which offer services like paid hosting sites but don't charge you a single penny! If you are a web designer or want to host a website/blog, then you may give these a try.

1. GoogieHost

This hosting site offers 20 GB hosting space, 200 GB bandwidth, FTP, Emails, Database and website builder for those who don't know coding. The best thing of this hosting site is that it provides 98% uptime for your site without any advertisements.

2. HourB Hosting

This hosting site provides unlimited web hosting space, unlimited bandwidth, CPanel with auto script installer, unlimited domain hosting, free sub domain and unlimited email accounts.

3. $0Hosting

This hosting site provides unlimited webspace, unlimited email, unlimited bandwidth, website import option, auto script installer, unlimited domains, unlimited database, unlimited FTP accounts, free subdomain and 99.9% uptime.

4. BYET Internet Services

If you choose the free plan of this site, you get 1 GB hosting space, FTP account and file manager, cPanel, MySQL and PHP database, Free tech support, Addon domains, Parked domains and sub domains, free forum access, no ads!

5. FreeHosting

This web hosting site offers 20 GB hosting space, 200 GB bandwidth, 3 PHP versions, free website builder, POP3 mail account, free domain hosting, free subdomains, Ad free!

6. FreeHostia

Chocolate plan of freehostia is free. In this plan, you get 250 MB free hosting space, 6 GB bandwidth, 5 domain hosting support, 1 MySQL database, auto script installer, no forced advertisements.

7. FreeeDuHost

This hosting site provides 100 GB monthly bandwidth, 10 GB web space, 10 addon domains, 10 parked domains, 10 subdomains, php sendmail, 10 MySQL databases, 1 FTP account and a free website builder without advertisements.

8. 2FreeHosting

This web hosting site offers 20 GB Web Space, 150 GB bandwidth, free subdomain and free CPanel without any advertisements.

9. UHostAll

This site offers unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, no forced ads, free mysql database, free mail box with virus scanner and spam filter, website stats and one click script installer.

10. x10Hosting

This site offers PHP 5, unlimited web space, MySQL 5, Auto Script Installer, free website builder etc without ads.

11. Hostinger

This free hosting site offers 2 GB web space, 100 GB bandwidth, PHP and MySql database, No forced ads, auto script installer and website builder.

So, these are the best free web hosting sites picked by me. If you know other free web hosting sites which offer great service without forced ads, then mention them in comments.

Saturday 10 May 2014

How to make money online without having a blog or website

How to make money online without having a blog or website
The craze to make money online is going viral among teenagers. The number of bloggers, especially in India has risen dramatically and the reason behind it is that they all want to make money online with their blogs. Some of them are really doing good and writing good articles. But there are so many teenagers and internet users who don't know about blogging and don't have the required skills to earn through a blog. So, I thought I should write an article for those who don't have any knowledge of blogging but still, they want to earn money online. So in this article, I'm going to explain some ways to earn money online without having a blog or website. Let's start.

1. Use the Power of Social Media for Affiliate Marketing

This is the most popular method to make money online without a blog or website. You can join different communities in social media and can promote your products. For example, sign up for an affiliate program and share your affiliate link in social media with an impressive text. Make people feel that the product you are promoting is important for them and they must give it a try. Don't use the language of a "Beggar", just use a humble and impressive language like a professional to promote your affiliate links. For example, suppose I want to promote "Bluehost Web Hosting Service", then I'll promote my affiliate link in the following way:
"Are you a blogger and using paid web hosting services to host your blog but not satisfied with the performance of your hosting provider?
Introducing BlueHost, the leading web hosting provider. You must give it a try and check the performance of their services. It offers the best services at a cheap cost with 24x7 support. I'm sure you're gonna like it, as it deserves. To sign up for an account, use the following link and supercharge your blog with the best hosting services.
Sign up now and get a flat 40% discount on your purchase. So grab this amazing offer and save your bucks."
So, for each sale you generate, you get a commission and earn a nice amount. You can write product reviews on other blogs and include your affiliate links to generate more sales.

2. Make Money With YouTube

If you don't have a blog or website, then you can earn money online with youtube and Google AdSense. Create a youtube account and upload at least 6 videos that are created by you or picked from the internet. (don't upload copyright material) and share your videos on social media and forums. After getting some views, you will be eligible for the AdSense program. Just enable AdSense for youtube and monetize your videos and make money online.

3. Sell Products on eBay

Purchase some products in bulk and sell them on eBay. If you purchase products in bulk, you get some discount on your purchase and you can sell the purchased products at the original price on eBay. In this way, you will earn some profit. You can start a bidding deal also to get more profit on your sold products.

4. Sell Domain Names

Guess some good domain names and purchase them at a discount price using coupon codes. Now sell those domain names at regular prices by promoting your domains in social media and forums.

5. Earn By Selling Your Services on Fiverr

Create a free account on Fiverr and sell your services to the people. You may offer logo designing, facebook likes, youtube views or whatever you want. If someone is interested in your offer, they will contact you and pay you for your services. If you are not skilled in anything, then you may hire other people to do your tasks and share the earned amount with them.

6. Do Freelancing

You can make money online by doing freelancing also. To know more about freelancing, read "Make Money Online As A Freelancer".

7. Make Money By Designing T-Shirts

You can create an account on and can design and upload a T-Shirt. If any visitor likes your design and makes an order, Skreened will print your designed T-Shirt and will give you your commission.

8. Other Methods

The Internet is full of opportunities and you can use it to generate a good income. The only thing you require is creativity and some common sense. So, sit for a while, do some researches and think about your skills. After analyzing your skills, turn them into a medium to make money. I recommend you to read "Best Ways To Make Money Online" to get more ideas about online money-making.

Bonus: Do check out this page as well for 25 AWESOME Ways To Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom -

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks and do subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest updates directly in your mailbox.

Friday 9 May 2014

How to hide folders in Android devices

How to hide folders in Android devices
Privacy of files is an important thing for every digital user. We have some important and sensitive files in our computers and smartphones which we don't want to get accessed by other people. In computers, we can hide our files using folder options and using some software, but if we talk about smartphones, then what would be the options to hide folders containing sensitive information? Well, there are some apps available to hide the folders in android devices, but they are paid. So, I'm going to tell you an easy way to hide your folders in your android device without using any software, free of cost. Let's see.
  1. First of all, download any free file explorer for your android device. You will get so many file explorer apps in app store. You may use ES File Explorer.
  2. Now through the installed file explorer, locate the folder you want to hide. Suppose you want to hide a folder named VIDEOS. Just locate to this folder.
  3. Now rename the folder and put a .(dot) before the folder, as .VIDEOS
  4. That's it. Now your android device will not recognize your folder and it will be hidden. This folder can only be viewed via file explorer.
  5. To make the folder visible again, just remove the .(dot) from the folder name and it will be visible again.
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks

Thursday 8 May 2014

How to test your responsive website in mobile and tablet emulators

How to test your responsive website in different mobile and tablets through your pc
In my previous post, I told you how to see the mobile view of any website using chrome extension. Now, in this post, I'll tell you about a cool site which provides a virtual online mobile emulator to test the responsive websites in different mobiles and tablets directly through a computer. While designing responsive websites, we need to test them on different platforms. is a great site which provides you different mobile OS simulators to test your websites, without using the mobile phones. Let's see how to view the mobile view of a website using
  • Open your web browser in your computer and visit
  • Now, you will get the virtual mobile devices, Apple iPhone 5, HTC ONE, Nokia Lumia 920, Samsung Galaxy Y, Google Nexus 7 and Apple iPad Mini.
  • These devices simulate Android, iOS, Bada, Windows Mobile etc operating systems which are perfect for testing a responsive website. Click any virtual device you want to test your website on.
  • Now, a page will open having a url bar. Just type your site's url and click "GO" button.
  • Now, you will see the mobile view of your website. Isn't it very simple.
Here is the mobile view of my blog on different devices.

mobile view of pctricksguru

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my updates directly in your mailbox.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

How to download facebook videos

How to download facebook videos
Facebook is the most popular social networking site. Millions of people are active on facebook and they share so many videos and photos with other people also. I told you how to download youtube videos with vlc media player and that was very easy and nice. Now in this post, I'll tell you some methods to download videos from facebook.

1. Using Internet Download Manager

If you are using Internet Download Manager, then you can download facebook videos easily. Just open any facebook video and play it, When video starts playing, you will see a "Download This Video" button on your screen. Click that button and your video starts downloading with IDM.

2. Using Torch Browser

If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you might have read about my post on Torch Browser. To download a facebook video, just open and play a facebook video in torch browser, then click "Media" button and download your video easily.

3. Using Chrome Extension

To download facebook videos with google chrome browser, install FVD Downloader chrome extension. Now after adding this extension in your chrome browser, open and play a facebook video and then click over the icon of installed FVD Downloader extension.

4. Using Facebook Video Downloader Site

Open a facebook video and copy the video url. Now visit Facebook Video Downloader website. Paste the copied url in the url box of the site and click "Download Video" button. That's it, you can download your video either in high quality or in normal quality. You may use also to download your facebook videos.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Get 8 Free Web Development Courses Worth $758 By udemy

Get 8 Free Web Development Courses Worth $758 By udemy
Hey computer geeks, one more free offer for you. Udemy is offering 8 Free Computer Courses Worth $758 for everyone who is interested in programming and web development. Udemy network is very huge and 2 million students from 190+ countries are taking online courses on udemy. Udemy is offering courses like programming, yoga, web designing, audio engineering, photography, decoration etc. To know more avout udemy, click here. Here are some coupon code enabled links to get your free courses. Just click on them and avail your free courses:

1. Drupal 7 - Beginner to Advance
2. JQuery - Learn JQuery
3. HTML For Beginners
6. SAP Web DYN Pro
7. SAP Basis
8. C++ Programming : Beginner To Expert

To get official free courses by udemy, click this link.


Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

Top Useless Sites To Waste Your Time On

Top Useless Sites To Waste Your Time On
The title seems to be a freaky and stupid one, right? Everyday, we surf internet to gain some knowledge, download good stuff and build networks in social media etc. But there are some sites which are designed to waste your time, lol. If you are always free or getting more than bored, then you can waste your time on these sites. I am presenting the top useless sites on which you can waste your time.

1. Find The Invisible Cow

This is a stupid game in which you have to find an invisible cow by following the loudness of an irritating "Yaw Yaw" type sound. Just move your mouse around the screen and you will hear that sound getting louder or softer.

2. The Useless Web

On this site, you will see a page which will have a button "PLEASE". Just click that button and you will be taken to different silly sites. An awesome site to waste your time.

3. Hacker Typer

This site is also a useless site but it may be proved very useful if you want to impress your friends or your girlfriend. Just open this site and start typing rubbish things, just keep pressing random keys just like you are typing codes and on the screen, you will see some codes are being typed automatically with your krystrokes. Anyone who is looking at you will be surprised that you are a great coder with super-fast typing speed.

4. Boohbah Zone

This site is a strange site where you will do some random funny things like make some fatty cartoons dance in indian classical tone, make a dog jump and touch a ball, make some men and ladies jump high etc.

5. Staggering Beauty

On this website, you will get a finger shaped doodle which moves if you move your mouse. On moving your mouse vigorously, a flashy light pattern appears in the background and a sound plays. Keep repeating this thing and keep wasting your time.

6. Bees Bees Bees

In this site, you will see Oprah Winfrey opening a screen and so many bees come out of the screen and make the people crazy.

7. ShadyUrl

This is a funny url changer to change your urls and make them suspicious and frightening. As an example, becomes

8. Don't Even Reply

This website is titled "E-mails from an Asshole", and you will find the title perfect for the site if you read the email conversations on the site.

9. Shut Up and Take My Money

This website is a shopping site offering the things you never need but really want. Full of stupid and crazy items to purchase.

10. Ducks are the Best

This site changes your mouse pointer into a duck and on moving your mouse pointer here and there, it leaves a trail behind it and fills the path of the moving mouse pointer with ducks.

11. Sticky Hands Toy

On this website, you will get a hand toy which hangs with your mouse pointer and on moving the toy, it sticks with the walls.

A bonus for my readers about a strange website:

Rajnikanth's Website, which runs without internet...!!
This website is a flash website developed by which publishes movie reviews, trailers and other entertainment related things. Well, in the jokes of Rajnikanth, we find him extraordinary and his website is also an extraordinary one which can't run if you are connected with internet. Don't believe, just try yourself. Click Here to visit Rajnikanth's site.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Recover Deleted Messages In WhatsApp

Recover Deleted Messages In WhatsApp
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app among Android users. It is so popular that Facebook bought it worth $19 billion. Today, you will hardly find any android user who has not installed whatsapp in his android device. Well, do you know that whatsapp creates backups of your conversation messages everyday at 4 AM...?? In this tutorial, I'll tell you how to recover or restore deleted messages in whatsapp using the backup it creates.
Suppose if you have deleted your whatsapp messages or uninstalled whatsapp from your device but you need the messages again, then what will you do? You can restore the deleted messages using the following steps:

1. Uninstall WhatsApp from your android device.
2. Now download WhatsApp from playstore and install it again in your device.
3. Now open WhatsApp. It will show you the Terms and Conditions to use WhatsApp. Simply tap "Accept and Continue".

download and install whatsapp

4. Enter the mobile number and complete the verification process and then a screen will appear asking you to restore your messages backup. Click "Restore" button.
5. Now it will start restoring the messages from the stored backup.

restoring whatsapp deleted messages

6. That's it. You have successfully restored your deleted messages.

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