Wednesday 30 April 2014

How to check balance and validity of any BSNL mobile number online

How to check balance and validity of any BSNL mobile number online
BSNL is India's most popular cellular service provider. It offers mobile calling services, high speed 2G/3G data plans, Landline and broadband plans etc. Most of the people who are in government services use BSNL. Well, some of your friends might be using BSNL. Do you want to check their account balance and validity without touching their phone? I'm gonna share a trick to check balance and validity of any BSNL mobile number online. Follow the steps below:

1. Visit BSNL Portal by clicking this link.
2. Now you will see BSNL Dashboard. Click "Quick Recharge" option as shown in the image below.

bsnl dashboard

3. Now fill the mobile number of which you want to check the balance and validity and click "Submit" button.

fill mobile number

4. Now select the type of topup voucher and select the topup amount and "Submit" button.

select topup type
select amount

5. That's it. Now you can see the the account balance and validity of the BSNL number you entered. Now close your browser without proceeding to the payment.

check balance and validity of any BSNL mobile number online

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. Please share this article and subscribe to our updates.

How to identify a fake facebook profile

How to identify a fake facebook profile
Facebook is the most popular social networking site having a huge number of users. But according to some surveys, 60% of the girls' facebook profiles are fake or inactive. You might have got so many friend requests of unknown girls having an attractive profile picture. But most of them could be fake. I've noticed that some freaky guys create fake profiles and make other guys fool. If you are chatting with so many girls on facebook and thinking that they all are real then you wrong. Before accepting or sending friend requests to unknown people, you should make sure that they are real. Usually we add only those people in our friend list which are personally known to us, but sometimes to make a big community people accept requests of unknown people also. Here are some tips to identify a fake facebook profile.

1. Profile picture

Profile picture is the first thing to check to identify a fake facebook profile. Maximum fake facebook profiles have a profile picture of celebrities. Some of the fake facebook profiles use attractive and hot girls' images. So, before sending friend requests to such profiles, check whether all the profile pictures of that profile seems to be of a same person. If you find different profile pictures of different people in that profile picture album, then that profile is fake.

2. Date of Account Creation

Maximum fake profiles are created in recent dates. If you get any friend request and you find that account suspicious, then check the profile creation date. If that profile is created recently, then that profile may be fake.

3. Number of Friends

Maximum fake accounts have big number of friends. So check the friend list of any unknown friend request sender and if that has a huge list of friends, that may be a fake profile. For a real person's profile, you may notice that they have less number of friends and there is one thing that also matters, Gender. A boy's profile has maximum male friends and a girl's profile has maximum female friends, although it is not true for every real profile but this thing can be noticed for maximum real profiles.

4. Social Media Activity

Generally, a real person shares his/her life events and other things which any common man likes to share in his profile. But you can notice that there is hardly a status update is made. Fake profiles don't reply to anyone's questions or don't interact with anyone. They don't provide any proof also which can indicate them as a real person. They only update profile pictures and do spamming in groups and pages. They request you to like pages or join groups.

An Awesome Trick To Detect A Fake Profile Picture

I have mentioned some points above to detect a fake facebook profile. Now I'm going to share a trick which is the most useful trick to detect a fake facebook profile. You can find the real name or source of any fake profile picture. Just follow the steps:
  • Login to your facebook profile and visit any random profile having a good looking profile picture and big number if friends. I recommend you choosing any girl's profile.
  • Now save her profile picture in your desktop and visit
  • Now drag the saved picture and drop it into the search bar of (you can directly drag the photo from facebook profile to Google Images search bar also)
  • That's it. It will show you the source from where that picture was copied and used in the fake profile.
Here is a video I created to demonstrate this trick:

Keep visiting for more tips and trick. Share this post and subscribe to our email alerts also. 

Tuesday 29 April 2014

What to do if someone is copying your online content

What to do if someone is copying your online content
If you are publishing your content online and it is visible to people over the internet, then there are chances that your content may be copied by other people. Suppose that you are running a blog and spending your valuable hours to write unique and quality articles but some other newbies or spammers are copying your posts then what will you do? What action would you take against those copy cats? Well, you will get disappointed in this situation. The article which took 3 hours to write was copied in just a few seconds! It hurts very much. But no need to worry, I'm gonna tell you some ways to protect your original content and get the copied content removed from other blogs.

Why you need to take action against copy-cats?

1. To protect your search traffic: Search engines demand unique articles to be placed on top of the search results. If some newbies are copying your content, then search engines may consider your content as a duplicate content and you will loose your search rankings. In short, copy-cats will destroy your search engine rankings.

2. To keep your AdSense account safe: If you are using AdSense on your site and someone is copying your content, then google may disable your AdSense account anytime because unique content is required for AdSense and if your content is copied by others, your content is considered as duplicate content.

3. To keep getting new visitors: If your content is copied by others, then you will loose new visitors because your site is downranked in search results.

4. Emotional Aspect: Your content is your intellectual property and no one has the right to copy your content without your permission. If stupid copy-cats keep copying your content then you become frustrated and loose interest in blogging.

How to take actions against the copy-cats?

1. Write a mail and request to delete the copied content

You can write a mail to the copy-cat and request him to take the copied content down. Tell them why they should not copy any other blogger's content. If they accept your request and delete the copied material, it's fine but if they ignore your warning and misbehave with you, then now it's time to take the legal action against them.

2. File a DMCA complaint against the infringing blog

To file a DMCA complaint, click this link (OR this link) and select the product which you're using. For example, if you want to file a complaint against any infringing blog which is copying your blog posts, then select "Blogger" and proceed to the next step. Now fill the required details with appropriate reasons and proofs including the infringing urls. After that, enter your digital signature and submit the complaint. Google will review your complaint and if your complaint is genuine, the copied posts get removed from the copy-cat's blog. If he re-posts the copied content, then file another complaint and then google will delete the infringing blog. If the copy-cat doesn't use blogger platform, then google eliminates his indexed pages from search engines and his blog gets disappeared from google search results.
Note: If you are facing financial due to the infringer, then you may take some legal actions by filing a complaint in cyber cell. They will take action against the copy-cat and he might be arrested or charged a heavy fine also.
File DMCA complaints for Wordpress Blogs

Advice For Newbies

You have decided to start a blog, that's good. Best of luck from my side. But, before getting into this field, ask yourself that are you really serious about your blogging? Do you have abilities to write unique and quality articles? Do you respect Pro Bloggers and learn from them, instead of copying their posts?
If your answer is YES, then continue with your blog. But if your answer is NO, then stop blogging and do something else which suits you. You might not have ideas to write unique articles, but it doesn't mean that you start copying other blogger's posts. Blogging is for creative minded people, not for copy-cats. So, if you really want to be a blogger, then act like a blogger, not like a cheap copy-cat. If you write original and unique articles, then only you will be accepted among other bloggers and can build your image as a blogger.

Monday 28 April 2014

How To Host Your Website On Google Drive

How To Host Your Website Free On Google Drive
Google drive is a service by google which allows users to store their codes, pictures, audio and video files. It provides its storage space for free. But do you know, you can host a complete static website on google drive? There are so many free hosting sites available but most of them show ad banners on the hosted sites. But google drive is perfect if you are a web developer and love doing experiments with codes. Google drive supports html, css, javascript etc but it doesn't support php files. So you can't host database driven sites on google drive. Lets see how to host websites on google drive:
1. Visit and sign in using your gmail user id and password.
2. From the dashboard, click Upload > Folder.

host website in google drive

3. A popup box will appear now. Select the folder in which you have kept your webpages and upload it.

upload your files

4. Now your site will start uploading in google drive. When the upload finishes, click "SHARE" link as shown in the image below:

click share

5. Now from the sharing settings, click "Change" and then set the visibility option to "Public on the web" and then click "Save", then "Done".

click change
make the files visible to public

6. Now, click on the uploaded folder to open it and then click on the home page html file to open it in google docs.

open your uploaded file

7. Now you will see the code view of the html page. Just click "Open" from the bottom right side of the screen.

click open

8. Now your page will open in Google Docs. Click "Preview" button to see the preview of your webpage.

click preview

9. Now copy the url of the opened page from the address bar. That is your hosted site's url. You can share it with your friends and can use it to view your website hosted on google drive.

copy the url

I have made a video tutorial which will make the process clearer. Watch it below:

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

Saturday 26 April 2014

How to host codes in google drive

How to host codes in google drive
You might have hosted your codes in google codes, but now google codes has discontinued its service of uploading codes. So, as an alternate option, we can use Google Drive to upload our codes. Using a small trick, you can upload your codes to google drive and get a direct link of the uploaded code to use with web projects. Let's see how to host codes in google drive.
1. Login to google drive.
2. Now click "Upload" button and click "Files".

click file

3. Now upload your CSS or JavaScript file.

uploading codes

4. After uploading the file, it will appear in your google drive. Just right click on the uploaded file and click Share > Share.

sharing code

5. A window will popup now. From that window, click "Change..." link.

sharing settings as public

6. Now set the visibility option to "Public"and then click "Save" button.

sharing codes as public

7. Now, let's convert the link of the uploaded file into the direct link to use it in webpages to add external codes. Just copy the part of the code url as shown in the image below.

copy the part of the code as shown in image

8. Now, replace the copied code with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in the following code:

9. Now you have the direct link for your hosted code. To use it in your webpages, use the following codes:

For CSS : <link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
For Javascript : <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

10. That's it. Enjoy web designing with google drive. :)
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. Have a great time.

Add Recent Comments Widget In Blogger

Add Recent Comments Widget In Blogger
Hello friends, I have provided so many blogger tutorials in my blog. In that category, here is one more addition. In this tutorial, I'll tell you how to add a recent comments in blogger blogs. This widget works perfectly without decreasing the loading speed of your blog. So, let's start the tutorial:
1. Login to your blogger account and go to "Layouts" section.
2. Now click "Add A Gadget" where you want to add this widget.
3. Now copy the following code and paste it in the widget box.

<script style=text/javascript src=""></script><script style=text/javascript >var a_rc=5;var m_rc=false;var n_rc=true;var o_rc=100;</script><script src= ></script>
<a style="display:none" href=>Recent Comments Widget</a><style type=text/css>
.rcw-comments a {text-transform: capitalize;}
.rcw-comments {border-bottom: 1px solid #666; padding-top: 6px!important; padding-bottom: 6px!important;}

Note: Replace the red color text with your own blog url.
4. Now, save the widget and see it live in your blog.
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. Share this post with your friends.

How to Boost Adsense CPC and Increase Earnings

Boost Adsense CPC
Google Adsense is the most popular way to monetize the content among bloggers. However getting an AdSense account application approved is very tough because google is very strict about its terms. If you have an approved AdSense account and you are making money with your blog, then I am going to share some tips to increase the CPC rate of your ads and increase your earnings.

Use Recommended Ad Sizes By AdSense

While creating new Ad unites, you must use the default recommended ad sizes. Google serves better ads for these units and these are more eye-catching. You can use other ad sizes also which suits your blog design but recommended ad sizes generate better CPC.

Best Places For Ad Placement

Instead of placing ads here and there, you must know the best ad position for your blog. The best ad placement area is top right side in the header. After that, you can place an ad in the top of the right sidebar. Some good places to put ads are:
  • Top Right Side of Header
  • Top of the Right Side Header
  • Below Post Title
  • Post Footer

Implement AdSense For Search

If you are using Custom Search (click here) then to increase your CPC, you can use search advertisement feature also. After implementing custom search feature, your ads will appear just inside the search results generated by your custom search bar.

Type of Ads

Use both, text and rich media ads in your blog. I have noticed that text ads generate more CPC than banner ads but sometimes rich media ads perform better because they look more attractive and visitors click them to see what they are. But I suggest you to use equal ratio of text and banner ads.

Use Asynchronous Ads

Google provides Asynchronous Ads also which load faster than any other ads. To enable these ads, just login to your adsense accout and click My Ads. Now from the previously created, click "Get Code" option. Now from the code type dropdown menu, select Asynchronous (Beta) and then you will get your new Asynchronous ad code.

generate asynchronous ad codes

Note : Instead of adding the asynchronous script code in your each ad of your blog, add it in the blog template. Open template editor of your blog and add the following code just before </head> tag.

<script async src=""></script>

Now while adding asynchronous ads in your blog, you don't need to add <script async src=""></script> with your ad sections.

Hope these tips will help you boost your CPC for AdSense ads. Keep visiting for more tips and tricks and subscribe to our newsletter to get our updates directly in your mailbox.

Friday 25 April 2014

How to view mobile view of any site in your computer

How to view mobile view of any site in your computer
If you are a web designer and design responsive templates for blogs and websites, then you are required to check the layout of the designed templates in computer as well as mobiles also. If your designed template looks perfectly in pcs, tablets and mobiles, then only you can distribute your template with the label of "Responsive Template". But to test the mobile view of your templates, you have to use mobile simulators which use high system resources and can make your pc slow. So, I'm going to share a trick to test your websites and templates in mobile view directly from your pc browser. Just follow the steps below:
1. Open your google chrome (or torch) browser.
2. Now click this link and click "+FREE" button to add the "User Agent Switcher" extension in your browser.
3. After adding the extension, you will see the icon user agent switcher icon of "user agent switcher" in the top right side of your browser.
4. Now let us test any site with this extension. Open and just click on the "User Agent Switcher" extension icon.
5. There, you will get a list of available browsers. If you want to check the site layout on any android device, then click Android > Android 4.1 - Nexus 7
mobile view of any site in pc : android
6. Now your browser will behave like android OS browser and facebook will go into mobile view for android.
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. Subscribe to our newsletter to get our updates directly in your inbox.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Get Free Product Samples By Sahara Q Shop

Get Free Product Samples By Sahara Q Shop
Sahara India Pariwar is an Indian conglomerate which provides financial services, construction, mass media, retailing and IT Services and outsourcing. On 13th August 2012, it launched its retail FMCG business "Q Shop".  Now Q Shop is offering free product samples to the Indians and in this post, I'll tell you how to grab this offer. Just follow the steps below:
  1. Visit Q Shop product sample offer page from this link.
  2. Now at the end of the page, you will find a button named "MY FREE PRODUCTS". Just click that button.
  3. At the next step, you will be redirected at a page with a web form. Just fill your contact details in that form.
  4. After filling your details, click "SUBMIT" button.
  5. Sahara Q Shop will send a verification mail on your mail id. Login to your mailbox and open the mail you've received from Q Shop.
  6. Click the activation link in the mail.
  7. That's it. You will get your product samples at you address via courier.
Keep visiting for more promotional offers.

Best Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Best Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
Massive traffic attracts advertisers to advertise their products on your blog. If you are writing good content but there no traffic at all, you are just wasting your time. Any blogger first pays attention to the quality of the content and second to the traffic. This is because if he writes unique and quality articles on his blog, visitors enjoy reading his posts but without paying attention towards traffic, he can't get a good number of readers. So, if he drives traffic to his blog successfully, new people will read his posts and if they like his posts, they will come back to read his posts again and again. So if his blog gets affected by any search engine penalty, he can maintain his traffic with his loyal readers. So, here are some tips to drive traffic to your blog. Keep on reading:

Best Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

1. Write Quality Articles

If you write unique and quality articles in your blog, your articles will be ranked in search engines at a better position. You will get organic search traffic and will this search traffic will give you unique readers. Unique readers and more important because they are new to your blog and if they like your articles, they either bookmark your site in their favorites list or subscribe to your post updates. In this way, you get increment in the audience of your blog.

2. Focus On The Long Tail Keywords

If your blog is new and you want to drive traffic from search engines, then focus on the long tail keywords. Long tail keywords usually convert better and drive targeted search visitors. To decide long tail key terms, I suggest you to use a tool called HitTail.

3. Make Your Blog Design Attractive

Everyone says that content is the king, but who is the queen? Of course its the design. I've noticed that most of the bloggers say that a simple and white template is the best for blogs. But I'm not agree with them. What matters is the ease of navigation, site loading speed and an eye catching design. You can use simple white templates for your blogs but if you don't have a navigation bar, or some attractive design (I'm not saying to fill your template with lots of CSS and images) your visitors will not return to your blog again. It is said that "First impression is the last impression", so if your visitor is not impressed by the design of your blog, he will hardly return to your blog. But if they see your blog design for the first time and say "What a cool design!", an impression will be made in their mind and they will remember your blog. A good looking design attracts the eyes of the visitors and they feel happy to return to your blog. So, always use a good looking template.

4. Share Your Articles Over the Internet And Make Your Presence

i) Social Media : You can share your articles in social media and microblogging sites such as facebook, twitter etc. Search for some communities of people who may like your content and join them. Keep posting your links in those communities/groups and you will generate a nice amount of traffic from social media.
ii) Social Bookmarking Sites : You can drive traffic to your blog by sharing your articles in social bookmarking sites also. Update your blog regularly and keep sharing your recent articles in social bookmarking sites. My 40% of traffic comes from social bookmarking sites only.
iii) Blog Commenting : You can find blogs with high traffic and high PR under your niche and leave comments in them. Comment with your own blog link (but don't spam) and if other readers of that blog will read your comments and click on your link, your blog's traffic will increase.
iv) Write Guest Posts : Recently, Matt Cutts announced that google will penalize those blogs who do guest posting for link building (more information is here). Google has already penalize some large guest blogging networks. But it doesn't mean that you can't do guest blogging. If you write 2 or 3 guest posts, then your blog will not be penalize. So, the first thing you need is search for some blogs with massive traffic and then select 2 or 3 of them which suits your niche. Now write one guest post for each of them and include your backlink in the post. If admins of those blogs accept your guest post and publish it, a good amount of traffic from those blogs will be referred to your blog and quality content on your blog will do the rest of the work.

5. Submit Your Sitemap To Search Engines

Submitting your blog's sitemap to search engines help them to index your blog posts. If your blog posts are indexed properly in the search engines, your site becomes more visible in the search engines and you get quality search traffic. So, if you have a sitemap ready for your blog, submit it to google webmasters tools, yaaho and bing to get organic search traffic.

6. Print Your Business Card and Give It To People You Interact With

Get a business card of yours printed and give it to the people you interact with. You might be visiting so many people while travelling in airplanes, trains or in local buses (don't think that travelling in trains and local buses will spoil your status, they will help you to grow your network, if you are talkative), just try to talk with them on some social topics or any topic you both like and while leaving, just give them your business card. They will surely check your site printed on your visiting card. So in this way, you can get some traffic on your blog. You may leave your business cards in cafes, restaurants or on signboards also.

7. Advertise in Local Newspaper and Magazines

Well, this option may be costly for a new blogger. But if you get enough pocket money to spend for your blog, then try to publish small advertisements in local newspapers and if possible, try to write articles for some print magazines and add your site url with the article.

8. Participate on Message Boards and Join Forums

You may participate on message boards and forums and solve the queries of the other people. You may assist them through your text replies and at the end of your replies, you may add a signature line and can include your blog url. Any user who finds your answers useful will surely try to visit your site.

9. Offer Free Blog Installation For Newbies

Offering free services is a good idea and free blog installation is one of them. Put a banner in your site offering free blog installation for the newbies. If you get any blog installation request by any guy, just create a blog for him at blogger/wordpress and use any free template. In that free template, add your blog link in the footer as a credit and tell that guy not to remove that link. If visitors arrive at his blog, there are chances that they will check your blog also through the footer link.

10. Stick Your Blog's Advertisement Stickers on Your Vehicle

Sticking your blog's advertisement stickers on your vehicles and on public buses will make them a moving advertisement. You may print small posters and can stick them on roadside trees, trains and walls of the houses.

11. Organize Contests and Giveaways

This is a very popular idea among bloggers to drive traffic to their blogs. You may organize a giveaway and offer any gift to the winner. In the giveaway, you can put the rules that to enter in the giveaway, visitor must subscribe to your mailing list and must share the giveaway link in their social media profiles. In this way, you can get traffic from the links shared by the visitors also.

12. Offer Newsletter Subscription

Sometimes, visitors don't have enough time to see any website thoroughly. So they just bookmark the site and leave it. But if they are surfing internet from a cybercafe or a public place and if they get a website they like, they simply look for email subscription box. If you have enabled email subscriptions, then any visitor can easily subscribe to your blog posts and in the case they forget about your site, they may come back to visit your site via email updates. So, you don't loose any visitor and your traffic remains maintained.

13. Make Your Blog Search Engine Friendly

If your blog is SEO friendly and you have optimized your blog for better search engine performance, then you will get traffic from search engines. But don't do over-optimization to be safe from Google Penguin penalty. I have posted about best SEO techniques in my blog which will help you to make your blog SEO friendly.

14. Some Other Crazy Ways

To drive traffic to your blog, there are some crazy ways also. But if your blog is about business purpose or contains high quality content related to Online Marketing, SEO etc then you must not use these crazy things I'm gonna tell you.
i) Create a fake girl's profile and promote your blog links in social media
ii) Shorten your blog urls and share with the 18+ titles (don't include any porn material in the links) in social media. This works great because people over internet click the links having any adult title, but remember, this method is not suitable for serious bloggers. It may spoil your blogger image.
iii) Write your blog url in school walls, public toilets, benches in parks, currency notes etc.

Now, I hope you enjoyed reading this article. If you liked this article, share it with your friends and subscribe our newsletter using the email subscription widget from the right sidebar. If you have any queries, comment below. I'd respond to your comments.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

How to submit blogger blog sitemap to google webmasters tools

How to submit blogger sitemap to google webmasters tool
To get more search traffic on your blog, it is necessary to submit your blog's sitemap to google webmasters tool. But to submit blogger blog sitemap, we need an xml file of the sitemap and have to upload it in the root directory of the domain. But for blogger, it is not possible to upload a custom sitemap.xml file with the domain because blogger doesn't offer to host external files and that's why you are limited to link external files with your root domain.

Recommended : How to create sitemap page for blogger blog.

But no need to worry, we have already an xml file with our blogger blog's domain which may work as a sitemap, atom.xml. But this sitemap can submit only 26 recent posts. Then what to do...??
Well, using a small tweak, you can use the same atom.xml file to submit all your blog posts into google webmasters tool. Let's see how.

Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Webmasters Tool

1. A sitemap can contain maximum of 500 posts. So, if you have number of posts less than 500, then you have to submit only one sitemap to index your posts. But if you have posts more than 500, then you have to submit more than one sitemaps in google webmasters tool. Here is how you can get your blogger blog's sitmap link:
From the above url, replace the red color text with your own blogger blog url and copy the whole url. You can use this url as a sitemap.
2. Now, login to your google webmasters tools account and click your added site's url.

click the blog url

3. Now, from the left sidebar, click Crawl > Sitemaps option.

crawl > Sitemaps

4. Now, click "Add/Test Sitemap" button.

add a sitemap in google webmasters tools

5. Now we are at the last step. You will see sitemap submission box. Just add the following line in the box and click "Submit Sitemap" button:

add url and click submit sitemap

6. That's it. Now you can see that your blogger blog's sitemap is submitted in google webmasters tool and after indexing, you will see the status of your indexed pages.

blogger blog sitemap submitted

Note: If your blog has more than 500 posts, then after submitting this sitemap, submit another sitemap using the following link:
In the same way, keep adding the sitemaps according to the number of posts in your blog.

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks and share this post in your social media accounts using the sharing buttons below. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get our updates in your mailbox.

How To Create Sitemap Page For Blogger Blogs

How To Create Sitemap Page For Blogger Blogs
Sitemap submission is a good way to tell search engines about your site contents without pinging them regularly. For a normal website, you can generate sitemaps using free sitemap generator tools. But for a blogger blog, the default sitemap file (atom.xml file) contains only 26 most recent blog posts. So, if you submit it in the webmasters tool, your all posts don't get indexed.
In this post, I'll tell you how to create a sitemap page for blogger. Actually, it's not a sitemap, but a list of posts filed under the particular labels, but for search engines, it works as a sitemap. You can't submit it to webmasters tool. So, let's see how to create your sitemap page for blogger:
1. Login to your blogger account and from the dashboard, go to PAGES option.

from dashboard, click PAGES

2. Now click "New Page" button to create a new page.

click NEW PAGE

3. Now Page Editor will open. Just click "HTML" button to start editing in html mode.

click HTML

4. Now copy the following code and paste in the HTML editor. Then give the page name "Sitemap" and then click "Publish" button to publish your page.
Code for blogger sitemap:
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<script src=""></script><script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script> </div>

Note : Change the red color text in the above code with your own site url.

paste the code and publish the page

5. That's it. Now your sitemap page is ready. Open and view it.

Recommended Reading : Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Webmasters Tools

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

Monday 21 April 2014

Get Free Unlimited Mobile Calls For One Month By Skype

Get Free Unlimited Mobile Calls For One Month By Skype
Recently, I posted about a free call trick to make free calls worldwide. Now here is another promotional offer by Skype to make free mobile calls for one month. Let's see how to grab this offer:
1. Click the link ahead to open the skype free call promo page : Click Here
2. Now click "Get Your Free Month" button.
3. Now Sign In to your skype account and follow on screen instructions. If you don't have an account, then create one.
4. Enter your billing details and click "Buy Now" button.
5. That's it. Skype will deduct $1 from your account just to verify that you are not a spammer. After a few minutes, you will get your refund of $1 in your account.
6. Now you have got 1 month unlimited calling subscription for free.

NOTE : If you want to avail this promo only and don't want to continue your subscription, then cancel your subscription from your account at the end of the month otherwise you will be charged for the next month automatically.

Enjoy free calling and keep visiting for more tips and tricks and some amazing promotional offers.

Sunday 20 April 2014

How To Change Audio of An English Movie Into Hindi

So many people think that it is not possible to change the audio of an english movie into hindi or any other language. Yes, it's true and they are correct. There is no any software which can translate the audio of a movie from one language to another. But do you know, some movie files (generally downloaded from internet or torrent sites) contain different audio tracks in different language within a single file. Yes it is true. These movies come with the label of "Dual Audio" and you can watch them in two languages, either in English or in Hindi. Actually, while playing those movies, you can change the audio track of dual audio enabled movies. Let's see how to interchange between the audio tracks of a dual audio movie:
1. Open your dual audio movie in VLC Media Player.
2. Now while playing the movie, right click on the video screen and go to Audio > Audio Track.
3. Now from there, select your desired language.

How To Change Audio of An English Movie Into Hindi

4. That's it. Your movie's language is now changed.
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

Saturday 19 April 2014

How to schedule blogger posts to publish on a later date

How to schedule blogger posts to publish on a later date
Blogger is a nice platform to write and publish articles in your blog. It is easy to use and have nice interface also. You might be publishing a few articles daily if you are a blog owner. Well, suppose you have to go outside from your home and you don't get any computer a few days, then how will you write articles in your blog? You may use your mobile, yes I know, but what if you don't have network access also, then?
You will not publish anything in your blog and it will be inactive until you come back home, right? But do you know, you can schedule your articles to be published in your blog at a later date! Yes, you can write your articles and can schedule them to be published on a specific date automatically, without logging in to your account. Let's see how to schedule blogger posts.
  • Login to your blogger account.
  • Now write a new post.
  • After finishing with writing the post, click "Schedule" from the right sidebar under the "Post Settings".
  • Now select "Set date and time". A calendar will appear now.
How to schedule blogger posts to publish on a later date
  • Select the date and time on which you want your post to be published automatically and then click "Done".
  • That's it. Now publish your post. Your post will be automatically published in the date and time you scheduled.
Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Metro Style Social Media Widget For Blogger

Metro Style Social Media Widget For Blogger
Social media widgets are recommended for bloggers to engage their visitors in their social media pages. If you have a facebook page, twitter profile, google+ page etc for your website/blog, then you can put their subscription links in a stylish way using social media widgets. In this post, I'll tell you how to add a metro style social media widget in your blog. Just follow the steps below:
1. Login to your blogger account and from the dashboard, go to LAYOUTS section.
2. Now, add a new HTML/Javascript widget and paste the following code in that:

.metro-social li{position:relative;cursor:pointer;padding:0;list-style:none}
.metro-social .facebookbt,.twitterbt,.googleplusbt,.pinterestbt,.linkedinbt,.youtubebt,.rssbt{z-index:7;float:left;margin:1px;position:relative;display:block}
.metro-social .facebookbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #1f69b3;width:140px;height:141px}
.metro-social .twitterbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #43b3e5;width:68px;height:70px}
.metro-social .googleplusbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #da4a38;width:69px;height:70px}
.metro-social .pinterestbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #d73532;width:68px;height:69px}
.metro-social .linkedinbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #0097bd;width:69px;height:69px}
.metro-social .youtubebt{background:url( no-repeat center center #e64a41;width:140px;height:69px}
.metro-social .rssbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #e9a01c;width:140px;height:69px}
.metro-social li:hover .facebookbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #1f69b3}
.metro-social li:hover .twitterbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #43b3e5}
.metro-social li:hover .googleplusbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #da4a38}
.metro-social li:hover .pinterestbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #d73532}
.metro-social li:hover .linkedinbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #0097bd}
.metro-social li:hover .youtubebt{background:url( no-repeat center center #e64a41}
.metro-social li:hover .rssbt{background:url( no-repeat center center #e9a01c}
<div class="metro-social">
<br />
<li><a class="facebookbt" href="YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE LINK" target='_blank'></a></li>
<li><a class="twitterbt" href="YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT LINK" target='_blank'></a></li>
<li><a rel='author' class="googleplusbt" href="YOUR GOOGLE PLUS LINK" target='_blank'></a></li>
<li><a class="pinterestbt" href="YOUR PINTEREST LINK" target='_blank'></a></li>
<li><a class="linkedinbt" href="YOUR LINKEDIN PROFILE LINK" target='_blank'></a></li>
<li><a class="youtubebt" href="YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK" target='_blank'></a></li>
<li><a class="rssbt" href="YOUR FEED URL" target='_blank'></a></li>

3. Replace the red text with your own social media links and then save the widget and save the layout.
4. That's it. Open your blog and see the live preview of your metro style social media widget.
Keep visiting PC Tricks Guru for more tips and tricks.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Top High PR Microblogging Sites To Share Blog Posts

Top High PR Microblogging Sites To Share Blog Posts
High PR Microblogging sites are another way to drive traffic to your blog and increase pagerank of your blog. Twitter is the most famous microblogging site and I also get traffic from twitter. But there are some more micro blogging sites which may be useful for a blogger. So, here I'm making a list of some high PR microblogging sites:
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Top High PR DoFollow Social Bookmarking Sites
Top High PR DoFollow Web Directories
Best Backlink Building Techniques For Bloggers

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