Saturday 26 April 2014

How to Boost Adsense CPC and Increase Earnings

Boost Adsense CPC
Google Adsense is the most popular way to monetize the content among bloggers. However getting an AdSense account application approved is very tough because google is very strict about its terms. If you have an approved AdSense account and you are making money with your blog, then I am going to share some tips to increase the CPC rate of your ads and increase your earnings.

Use Recommended Ad Sizes By AdSense

While creating new Ad unites, you must use the default recommended ad sizes. Google serves better ads for these units and these are more eye-catching. You can use other ad sizes also which suits your blog design but recommended ad sizes generate better CPC.

Best Places For Ad Placement

Instead of placing ads here and there, you must know the best ad position for your blog. The best ad placement area is top right side in the header. After that, you can place an ad in the top of the right sidebar. Some good places to put ads are:
  • Top Right Side of Header
  • Top of the Right Side Header
  • Below Post Title
  • Post Footer

Implement AdSense For Search

If you are using Custom Search (click here) then to increase your CPC, you can use search advertisement feature also. After implementing custom search feature, your ads will appear just inside the search results generated by your custom search bar.

Type of Ads

Use both, text and rich media ads in your blog. I have noticed that text ads generate more CPC than banner ads but sometimes rich media ads perform better because they look more attractive and visitors click them to see what they are. But I suggest you to use equal ratio of text and banner ads.

Use Asynchronous Ads

Google provides Asynchronous Ads also which load faster than any other ads. To enable these ads, just login to your adsense accout and click My Ads. Now from the previously created, click "Get Code" option. Now from the code type dropdown menu, select Asynchronous (Beta) and then you will get your new Asynchronous ad code.

generate asynchronous ad codes

Note : Instead of adding the asynchronous script code in your each ad of your blog, add it in the blog template. Open template editor of your blog and add the following code just before </head> tag.

<script async src=""></script>

Now while adding asynchronous ads in your blog, you don't need to add <script async src=""></script> with your ad sections.

Hope these tips will help you boost your CPC for AdSense ads. Keep visiting for more tips and tricks and subscribe to our newsletter to get our updates directly in your mailbox.

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