Tuesday 14 February 2017

How to reset Microsoft Word settings to default

How to reset Microsoft Word settings to default
Microsoft Word is the most used word processing application worldwide and it is popular on both Windows and Mac operating systems. It is the part of the Microsoft Office package which include other essential office applications. In MS Word, sometimes we make some settings which we forget later and it disturbs the whole formatting of any new document. In this situation we need to reset the word settings to default and there is a very simple method for that but note that follow the steps which I'm giving carefully because we are going to make changes in Windows Registry and if you try to play around with it, your OS might crash and your office application might start misbehave.

1. First of all open RUN box by pressing windows and R keys together.
2. Now in the RUN box, type regedit and click OK. It will open registry editor.
3. Now in the registry, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > 12 > Word and expand it.
(The number 12 might be different as per the version of office installed in your computer)
4. Now you should see "Data" folder there. Just right click on it and delete it.

How to reset Microsoft Word settings to default

5. Now open your Microsoft word, it should be rest to it's defaults and you can use it without any problems.

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