Thursday 5 October 2017

How to register and unregister dll files in Windows

How to register and unregister dll files in Windows
Windows Operating system uses dynamic link libraries to run applications because dll files hold multiple codes and information to run the programs. Sometimes if any dll file gets corrupt then the application which uses the information from that specific dll file doesn't open and gives error messages. In this situation, we can fix the dll issues by registering the dll file which is not working properly. Here is how you can register and unregister dll files in Windows (the same method is followed for ocx files too):

UnRegister a dll file
To unregisted a faulty dll or ocx file, open command promt with admin rights and run the following command:
regsvr32 /u "path & filename of dll or ocx"
example :  regsvr32 /u msxml3.dll
To go into the system 32 directory, you may type the command "cd C:/Windows/System32" and press enter in command prompt with admin and then

Register or Re-Register a dll file
To registed a faulty dll or ocx file, open command promt with admin rights and run the following command:
regsvr32 "path & filename of dll or ocx"
How to register and unregister dll files in Windows

You may download a tool for registering dll files frm here.
Keep visiting pc tricks guru for more tips and tricks.

1 comment:

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