Thursday 17 May 2018

How to find the contact details of employees of any company

How to find the contact details of employees of any company
Suppose you want to send an email to a responsible person of any company but you don't have their email address and even after searching on Google, you still couldn't find the email address of that particular person or his colleague. Well, in this post, I'll tell you a way to access the contact details (emails, social media profiles and phone numbers too, if available) of employees of multinational companies like Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn etc just in a few seconds. Doesn't it sound cool? Follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Open your chrome browser and open clearbit connect from THIS LINK.
clearbit connect

2. After opening the link, click "INSTALL FOR GMAIL" and a new tab will open which will open chrome webstore where you will be asked to install clearbit extension. Click "ADD TO CHROME" and install the extension in your browser.
add clearbit connect to chrome

3. After the extension gets installed, open gmail and compose an email. In the email compose box, you should see the clearbit connect icon, click on it.
clearbit connect icon in gmail

4. If you are asked to select a plan, select the free plan. After that, authorize the extension to access gmail contacts.
choose free plan

5. Now when you click the clearbit connect icon in the gmail compose box, your should see a search bar. Suppose you want to know the email address of Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella, search for Microsoft in the search bar and there you would see the list of the employees of Microsoft. Look for Satya Nadella and click on his name. That's it, you would see his email address and social media profile links.
search for email of Satya Nadella
6. In the same way, you can check the emails of employees from any company.

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks.

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