Tuesday 10 February 2015

Get WhatsApp calling feature without root and download apk

Get WhatsApp calling feature without root and download apk

WhatsApp calling feature is trending these days and everyone is trying to get it. But as I posted in my previous posts, to get whatsapp calling feature you have to root your phone and do some coding work on terminal emulator to enable whatsapp call feature. But that trick was very limited because if you close the terminal emulator, the calling feature gets lost.
So, I am back with a new trick to modify whatsapp apk file to enable calling feature without rooting the phone. After modifying the code, we will recompile the modded apk file and will use it in our phone. So, let's start the tutorial:

1. First of all, download the complete package of files required for this process. DOWNLOAD LINK
2. Now after downloading the package, extract it using winrar.
3. Now in the extracted folder, you will get New Modded WhatsApp, apktool files, SignApk, readme and whatsapp. Now lets start the process.
4. Now make sure that java development kit is installed in your computer. If not, then download the Java JDK from THIS LINK and install it in your computer. You need to install notepad++ also, so download and install notepad++ from THIS LINK.
5. After installing JDK in your computer, let's configure it. Open control panel and search for "variable" keyword. From the search results, click "Edit the system environment variables".

search system environment

6. Now "System Properties" window will be opened. Click "Environment Variables" button
7. Now search for "Path" under system variables and select it. Then click "Edit".
8. Now add a semicolon ( ; )  at the end of the variable value and then add the path of your JDK bin directory. In my case, it is "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_11\bin". But use your own system path for JDK bin folder because the java version may be different in your system. Now finally, add another semicolon at the end of the variable value and click OK in all the windows. See the screenshot below for better understanding.

edit system environment

8. Now to check whether java is working in your computer, open command prompt and type the following code and press enter: javac -version
9. If java is working properly, you should see the java version installed in your computer.

check java version

10. Now after installing JDK in our computer, let's start decompiling WhatsApp.apk file.
11. Create a new folder "apktool" in C: drive and then extract the downloaded "apktool files.zip" file. You will get three files, "aapt.exe", "apktool.bat" and "apktool.jre", copy these three files into C:\apktool folder which you created recently.
12. Now copy and paste the whatsapp.apk file from downloaded folder to C:\apktool folder.
13. Now open command prompt and type cd.. command until you get to the root directory of C: drive.
14. Now type cd apktool command to select the apktool directory.
15. Now type apktool if whatsapp.apk command and press enter key. By running this command, you will install the framework in your computer.
16. Now type apktool d whatsapp.apk and press enter. This command will start decompiling your apk file. Wait until the decompilation gets completed.

decompiling whatsapp apk

17. After decompilation has been completed, open C:\apktool folder and you will see a new folder named "whatsapp". Just open that folder and right click on "AndroidManifest.xml" and open with notepad++.

editing androidmanifest

18. Now search for the following code:
<activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode" android:hardwareAccelerated="false" android:name="com.whatsapp.Main">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
               <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.MULTIWINDOW_LAUNCHER"/>
and replace the whole code with the following code:
<activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode" android:hardwareAccelerated="false" android:name="com.whatsapp.Main"/>
replacing the code to hack calling feature of whatsapp

19.Now search for the following code:
<activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name="com.whatsapp.HomeActivity" android:theme="@style/Theme.App.Home"/>
and replace it with following code:
<activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|uiMode" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:name="com.whatsapp.HomeActivity" android:theme="@style/Theme.App.Home">
              <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.MULTIWINDOW_LAUNCHER"/>
20. Now save the xml file and close notepad++
21. Let's compile the new whatsapp apk file. Open command prompt again and then type the command apktool b whatsapp This command will start building the apk file as shown in the image below.

building new apk file to enable calling in whatsapp

22. When building of apk file will be finished, you will find a new folder named "dist" in "whatsapp" folder. Open that folder and you will find your new whatsapp apk file. But still this file is not ready to use because we need to sign this file.
23. Create a new folder in C: drive and rename it as "signapk". Now open the downloaded folder and extract the signapk.zip file. You will get 3 files, "signapk.jar", "certificate.pem" and "key.pk8". Copy these three files and paste them in the signapk folder you created in C: drive.
24. Now copy the newly compiled whatsapp.apk file from C:\whatsapp\dist folder and paste into C:\signapk folder.
25. Now open command prompt and again use cd.. command to reach the root drive and then type the command cd signapk to select the signapk directory.
26. Now type the command java –jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 whatsapp.apk whatsappnew.apk and press enter key.

signing whatsapp calling app

27. Now when the apk will be signed, you will get the final whatsappnew.apk file in the folder signapk. Copy that whatsappnew.apk file to anywhere to use it in your phone.

new whatsapp app with calling feature enabled

28. Now clear cache and data and uninstall any previous version of whatsapp from your mobile and install the new whatsapp we build recently.
29. After installing the new whatsapp, launch it, register your phone number etc and after setting it up, close the app.
30. Now restart your phone and then open whatsapp. You will get your calling tab ready.

NOTE : If you don't like this coding stuff and are not a geek, then I have added the final signed apk file in the download package. Just open "New Modded WhatsApp" folder and use the whatsappnew.apk file given inside that folder.

Keep visiting for more tips and tricks. If you liked this post, please share it in your social media profiles.

Whatsapp has now closed the beta testing in India and now you can't call after installing the modded app also. You will not see the contact list in calling tab. But there is still a way to enable the calling but unfortunately you will have to root your phone because we will have to add the 2 lines of code in the whatsapp reference file which is installed in the root. So here is how you can use the call feature in whatsapp:
1. Root your phone and then install "ES FILE EXPLORER" from playstore.
2. Now open ES File Explorer and from its menu, enable root access and allow the root permissions.

allow root permission

3. Now navigate to the path "/data/data/com.whatsapp/shared_prefs/" and open com.whatsapp_preferences.xml file in ES File Editor.

navigate to xml file

4. Now, edit the xml file and below the <map> tag, add the following code:
<boolean name =”call” value=”true”/>
<string name=”call_allowed”>all</string>
5. Now save the xml file and close ES File Explorer

edit xml file

6. Now go to Settings > Apps > WhatsApp and force stop whatsapp. Then open whatsapp again and you will be able to see a new dial button while chatting with your friends and will be able to see the contact list after tapping add contact button of whatsapp.


  1. Can't install signed whatsapp.apk file

  2. to install signed apk, you need to clear the cache and data and uninstall the previous version installed in your phone and then install the new signed apk.

  3. I have installed this app and i can see call function. but in that i a not able to see contacts to call. i have tried pushing the top most right call+ button but it doesn't work. can anybody guide me for successfully using calling function.

    1. WhatsApp has now closed the beta testing of calling feature so we can't make calls but the problem of contact list appearance has been fixed. Read the end of the the post. :>)

  4. but the contact is not appearing in the call tab having the same version installed with call feature ,refresh so many times why ?
    how to get contact ?

    1. WhatsApp has now closed the beta testing of calling feature so we can't make calls but the problem of contact list appearance has been fixed. Read the end of the the post. :>)

  5. hey do i need to edit the file if i enable the feature by rooting method do i still need to edit those codes
    if yes please tell me how to use apktool

    1. you need to modify the apk, but if you want to use the modded version, you can use it and to get the call feature, you have to follow the procedure given in "UPDATE #1"

  6. does by rooting my android will i get these feature or will i need to modify the original apk

  7. Hi, i installed the apk modded by you and followed the procedure shown in "UPDATE #1". As you said, i see the call button when chatting with friends. But when I click the call button, it calls and gets cut within 2 seconds. I don't know why. I tried many ways to solve the problem but still no use.
    I did the same thing to the latest version of whatsapp(2.12.12), still no luck. My internet is fast enough to call in whatsapp. I hope you can find a solution for me. Thanks.


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