Thursday 27 March 2014

How to accept all facebook friend requests automatically

How to accept all facebook friend requests automatically
In the series of facebook tricks, here is another cool trick to accept all friend requests automatically using a small javascript. If you are getting so many friend requests and you want to accept all those requests without clicking Accept button for each friend request, then this javascript will be helpful for you.
Actually webmasters generally use facebook pages to build their network, but some of the people, specially girls are crazy about adding friends so they don't reject any friend requests, even if they don't know the request sender. So, here is the script for all who want to accept bulk friend requests.

How to use this friend request accepter script

  • Login to your facebook account and click the friend requests icon to see the pending friend requests.
  • Now, keep scrolling the list untill you reach the last request.
pending friend requests
  • Now press F12 or ctrl+shift+J keys (in chrome browser) to open chrome console.
  • Now copy the following code and paste in chrome console and press enter.
javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);
  • Now your pending friend requests will be accepted automatically.
friend request accepted
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  1. why when accept all friends facebook loged me out ?.. facebook detect this script? and log out automatic. fuck it facebook.! its a big shit . i need other code .

    1. I'll update it with a new script if I create any new one.

  2. Thanks work fine

  3. thanks for your post that help me to accept Facebook friend request at once .....


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